Monday, April 10, 2017

Deeper Learning Dive: Acidification of the Ocean

The information from this video is credible, because they use excerpts based on information received from Dr. Carles Pelejero, who studies "deep sea sediments and corals as archives of changes in the past, use systems to monitor the present, and run manipulative experiments in aquaria to simulate the future." (Pelejero, Carles Pelejer, and Biogeochemistry, Research Group on Marine Biogeochemistry and Global Change. "Carles Pelejero." Home. © 2011-17 RESEARCH GROUP ON MARINE BIOGEOCHEMISTRY AND GLOBAL CHANGE, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2017. - With these skills he is able to accurately explain how the PH levels in the ocean are rising and is able to explain the effects of this.

This video explains how CO2 is entering the oceans and releasing hydrogen ions, raising acid levels in the ocean. It also, in detail, explains the effects of the ocean acidification. 

As a learner, the visuals made it a lot easier to understand. The professional grade animations really made it easier to see what is going on. References from credible sources like Dr. Carles Pelejero really made the information seem more solid.


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