Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Fossil Fuels 101 Notes

Fossil Fuels Origin 

.Fossil Fuels are made from ancient dead organisms, namely plants, from the Carboniferous Period about 362 to 286 years ago

.Most of the world was populated with swamps and oceans during the period

How Fossil Fuels are Formed in the Ground

.As organisms died they would sink into sand and muddle and decompose. Over millions of years they are covered with many mineral materials

.Different fossil fuels are formed depending on time, pressure conditions, temperature, and the type of organic matter

.There are three main types of fossil fuels: Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas

.Coal: Formed when trees and plants died then were exposed to lots of pressure and heat

.Natural Gas: Dead microorganisms combined with lots of heat and pressure

Oil: Formed when dead microorganisms were exposed to high amounts of pressure

Fossil Fuel Uses 

.It is the most sought after energy source in the world, due to the high density of energy

(Student Energy. Fossil Fuels 101. 2015. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.)

.Can be used for electricity production, transportation fuel, and can make a lot of common products (such as plastic, cosemetics, and medicines)

.In some areas of the world it is cheap, while in others it is a rarer resource that costs a lot

.Countries fight over areas containing these resources, due to how valuable they are

.Fossil fuels are considered non-renewable, due to the fact that it takes millions of years to have the resource form

.Fossil fuels can't be replenished during the time humans exist, from what we know

.Fossil fuels are the largest emitter of C02 and greenhouse gasses in the world

.This creates climate change, which can cause environmental and health issues

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